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Climate Change
February 29, 2024
Rethinking Food Production in a Hotter World
Climate change has become our current reality with different aspects of our lives impacted by seasonal changes. Rising temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and severe climate activities disrupt different areas of our lives, most especially agricultural production. To stay food secure, we must make choice not just for us but our future.
Brenda Nwaubani

The Nigerian Metrological Agency has recently predicted delayed onset and shorter length of the rainy season for 2024. Lately, different areas in the country experienced increased temperatures. These occurrences are not just National but Global issues.

Climate change has become our current reality with different aspects of our lives impacted by seasonal changes. Rising temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and severe climate activities disrupt different areas of our lives, most especially agricultural production.

Ironically, agriculture is not just suffering from climate change, but also a considerable contributor. Monoculture farming practices, reliant on heavy pesticide and fertilizer use, depleted soil health. Livestock production additionally contributes to greenhouse fuel emissions. In addition, extensive irrigation strains water sources, developing a vicious cycle of depletion and environmental degradation.

It is no longer “business as usual”. To stay food secure and build a more sustainable food sector, we must make critical changes to our current practices. These changes are geared to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. They include:

  • Conserve and Utilize Water Wisely: Implementing efficient water management systems that limit water loss in addition to exploring opportunity water sources like rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment. Investing in research to encourage the development of drought-resistant crop varieties.
  • Plant Diversity: Monoculture farming allows for vulnerability to pests and weather changes. Embrace agroecology by planting diverse crops together, encouraging beneficial insects, improving soil health, and reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Embrace Climate-Smart Agriculture: This promotes practices that adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • Empower Local Food Systems: Supporting local farmers strengthens local economies, encourages more production, and reduces transportation emissions.
  • Educate and Advocate: Promoting awareness about sustainable food production is critical. Encourage discussions in schools, groups, and workplaces. Advocate for policies that assist sustainable agriculture practices and incentivize responsible intake.

Climate change poses a challenge, but it also presents an opportunity to build a more resilient and sustainable food system. The choices we make today shape our future and determine our collective future.