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May 26, 2023
How can agribusinesses leverage the benefits of sustainable certification?
Sustainable agriculture is the production of agricultural products in a way that ensures a balance between food production and preservation of the natural environment. Sustainable certification is increasingly becoming important for businesses (agri-business inclusive) to demonstrate their commitment to good environmental, social and ethical practices in their production and business practices. Whilst there are different types of sustainable certification for agribusinesses, they all support farmers and organisations towards sustainable production of agricultural materials. By obtaining sustainable certification, agri-businesses can improve their credibility and trust with customers, increase customer loyalty, reduce cost, improve competitiveness, market access and profitability.
Ibukunoluwa Animashaun

Sustainable agriculture is the production of agricultural products in a way that ensures a balance between food production and preservation of the natural environment. Sustainable certification is increasingly becoming important for businesses (agri-business inclusive) to demonstrate their commitment to good environmental, social and ethical practices in their production and business practices. Whilst there are different types of sustainable certification for agribusinesses, they all support farmers and organisations towards sustainable production of agricultural materials. By obtaining sustainable certification, agri-businesses can improve their credibility and trust with customers, increase customer loyalty, reduce cost, improve competitiveness, market access and profitability.

What is Sustainable Certification?

Sustainability certifications are standards established by independent, third-party groups relating to environmental, social, ethical and product safety issues. It usually involves a third-party organization evaluating and certifying that a product, service, or process meets certain environmental, social, and economic sustainability standards set by the certification scheme. To be sustainably certified, the organisation must be able to demonstrate that their business practices and products meet specific criteria to validate their commitment to good environmental, social and ethical practice. Sustainable certification schemes cuts across different sectors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, tourism, and manufacturing.

Whilst there are different certification schemes for agriculture and agribusiness, each one of them strives to support farmers and companies in moving towards sustainable production of agricultural materials. Their focus ranges across activities along the agricultural value chain from production at farm level to input sourcing, processing, and trade as well as the relationship with the people. Examples of sustainable certification in agriculture are Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), Global G.A.P, RainForest Alliance, UEBT, HACCP, ISO 22000, etc.

Image credit: Control Union

FSA is a farm-level sustainability certification that assesses sustainability practices at the farm level, verifying the supplier and the farmers they source from. The goal is to spur continuous farm improvement and support sustainable supply chain goals. For example, as a hibiscus or ginger processor, you can certify your farmers with FSA and this saves you time and resources by avoiding multiple assessments of farmers’ sustainability practices.

Image credit: Global GAP

GLOBALG.A.P. is highly regarded for demonstrating on-farm food safety and sustainability. Recognized by 100 countries, GLOBALG.A.P is the most widely accepted private sector food safety certification in the world. It is a pre-farm-gate standard covering the process of the certified product from farm inputs like feed or seedlings and all the farming activities until the product leaves the farm. 

Rainforest Alliance (RA) Standard promotes environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability for farm communities. It zooms in on how farmers protect their forests, improve their livelihoods and those of the community, promote their human rights and help them to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. RA covers agricultural products such as cocoa, coffee, tea, nuts (like hazelnuts), coconut, vegetables, cut flowers, chili, pepper and also herbs, spices, other herbal tea ingredients.

Image credit: Natura Malaysia

Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) Standard certifies organisations that place biodiversity and respect for people at the core of their strategies, operations and supply chains.

Fair Trade: Fair Trade is a certification program that promotes the fair treatment of workers and the use of environmentally sustainable practices in the production of consumer goods. Products certified as Fair Trade include coffee, cocoa, tea, sugar, and other agricultural products.

Image credit: Compliance Calendar

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from farming and production, through manufacturing, to final preparation for consumption by the consumer. Being HACCP certified means that the food business has taken stringent measures to identify hazards along its processes, developed critical control points and has put in place risk control measures to ensure satisfactory hygiene levels within their business.

USDA Organic Certification-Products with this certification are grown under a set of environmental best practices, including no artificial fertilizers or pesticides, plenty of native habitat and wide buffer zones, and no use of any prohibited substances on the land for at least three years.

Who can get certified?

  • Small     and large farms (Producers, Grower groups).
  • Single     site and multi-site organizations (Processors, Importers or Exporters,     Brands, Distributors).

What are the benefits of being certified?

Sustainable certification is voluntary, but it provides a way for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Thus, the benefits of certification are as follows:

  1.  Uniformity of Standards across the supply chain:     Certification like FSA helps your organisation to communicate and     harmonize expectations with your suppliers. This saves you time and     resources by avoiding multiple assessments of farmers’ sustainability     practices  The implication is that     as a processor whose farmers are FSA certified, you can be assured of     sourcing sustainable products from your suppliers at all times and this     can be communicated to your multiple customers
  2. Certification serves as     a basis for developing improvement plans: The certification process     involves a self-assessment and third-party auditing of your current     practices. Any issues cited will be addressed and steps to improve will be     outlined and taken as needed. This process, therefore, helps to identify     potential risk factors in your supply chain and guides you to swiftly develop     plans for improvement
  3. Increased Consumer     Demand:     Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental and social     impacts of the products they buy. Sustainable certifications provide a way     for agribusinesses to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability,     which can attract environmentally and socially conscious consumers.
  4. Increased Market access: Many retailers and food manufacturers require their suppliers to have sustainable certifications. Having a certification provides agribusinesses with access to new local and international markets and customers. Also, for agribusinesses that are export-oriented, a certification seal guarantees your product in the export market. For example, the European Union requires that all organic products sold in the EU are certified according to EU organic standards
  1. Competitive advantage: Agribusinesses with Sustainable     certifications have a competitive advantage in the marketplace,     differentiating themselves from competitors, and improving their     reputation and brand image.
  2. Reduced costs: Implementing     sustainable practices can help agri-businesses reduce their resource     consumption, leading to cost savings. In addition, obtaining sustainable     certification can sometimes make a business or organization eligible for     financial incentives or grants.
  3. Improved risk management: By adopting     sustainable practices and obtaining certifications, agribusinesses can     reduce the risk of negative impacts on the environment and society.
  4. You are achieving the     Sustainability Goals:     Certifying your products is your deliberate step towards ensuring a better     future for the people and planet.

In conclusion, sustainable certification is a valuable way for businesses and organizations to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and the environment. Agribusinesses have many benefits to gain by being sustainably certified especially around trade and improved access to the market.  

If you are interested in knowing more about sustainable certification and how to make your organisation more sustainable, reach out to us at FutuX Agri-consult Limited. Our team of expert can provide guidance and support to help you navigate the certification process and make your business more sustainable

What are you waiting for? Start your journey towards sustainable certification today